Operational Area


The entire functions of Gruhalaxmi are managed by the 15 Board of Directors who belong to the operational villages. The Cooperative is having well defined Bylaws which are followed by the Governing Board. The Board of Directors are democratically elected by the Governing Body from the operational villages of the Cooperative. In each village, one member is nominated by members based on certain fixed indicators. Following are the indicators based on which the Board of Directors are elected

Sl Indicators
1 Must be a resident of the jurisdiction of the Cooperative
2 Having leadership skill and able to lead the cooperative
3 Acceptance in the village.
4 Vocal, able to express herself, having sound understanding of the problems/issues of the area and able to address them
5 Sound mental state
6 She or any of her relatives is not working in any of the cooperatives
7 Never ever defaulter of loan of any cooperative or microfinance institution.
8 Never ever penalized by the Court of Law any sort of loan default
9 Never ever penalized by the Court of Law for any criminal offence
10 Never ever declared as a bankrupt by any Court of Law.
11 Willing to follow the basic principles of

The Board of Gruhalaxmi sits regularly every month to review the monthly progress made in the Cooperative with respect to livelihood interventions and share collections. Based on the feedbacks, a plan for the next month is developed in the same meeting. The Monthly Review & Planning Meeting is presided by the President. All the necessary information related to finance and accounts of the Cooperative is shared in the meeting by the Finance Associate. Depending upon the requirement, the Board also sits twice in a month. The Board takes all policy level decisions and the Secretary’s responsibility is to judiciously implement the decisions which are taken. All the decisions taken are written in the Resolution Book of the Cooperative.

The General Body meeting will be conducted once in a year. In the meeting important decisions relating to the programme activities and rules and regulations of the cooperatives will be taken and passed.